Avinode was the first company to move business aviation online. It was a move that historians might call disruption, and that’s flattering, but we’ve always seen it simply as providing the technology that business aviation deserves.
Before we arrived, operators were losing money on empty legs, for no reason. Brokers were on frantic phone calls all day, and a single private flight left a paper trail a mile long. This was 2002, and our freshly graduated engineer founders saw a different, far more advanced future for the industry. Today, we offer an expanding suite of applications that air charter professionals use every single day.
Three Swedish masters students, Niklas Berg, Niclas Wennerholm and Per Marthinsson, come up with the novel idea for a thesis project at Chalmers University of Technology School of Entrepreneurship. They decided to take it out into the real world.
The Avinode Marketplace goes live, with 55 available aircraft and seven employees. Danish Operator North Flying becomes the first paying member.
Avinode makes its trade show debut at the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition in Geneva. We’ve been rocking the show floor ever since.
In the black! Avinode celebrates breaking even.
Avinode Marketplace hits the 1000 aircraft mark. US expansion also begins, with Avinode Inc. incorporated in Miami.
Avinode is honored as the fastest-growing company, a “Gazelle,” by Dagens Industri, Sweden’s premier business newspaper.
Avinode is awarded twice for growth and profitability.
Avinode acquires its US-based competitor, CharterX, along with its subsidiaries Wyvern Ltd and Schedaero. Our Latin American office opens in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Avinode Business Intelligence is featured in Time Magazine and holds a press conference at the annual NBAA convention in Las Vegas.
Wyvern Ltd, providing air charter safety information, is divested in June 2014.
World Fuels Services becomes a large shareholder
Avinode is awarded the best service provider in Asia by the Asian Business Aviation Association.
Avinode Group was created.
We launched a new working policy where Noders work remotely or Flex, depending on where they live.
Avinode Group is carbon-neutral for the second year in a row. And we celebrated 20 years in bizav!
We’ve set up a new camp! Avinode Group was acquired by CAMP System International Inc.