Schedaero’s Maintenance features allow you to utilize our CAMP or Traxxall integration to get a comprehensive view of the status of your aircraft and how the aircraft status may affect your upcoming Scheduled trips.
Stay on top of payments with the most recent payment information at hand. You and your team can now easily get an overview of payment status and the latest flagged actions.
You now have more flexibility for your credit card transactions. The default limit is increased to 100k USD, and funds can be disbursed up to 7 days prior to the first leg.
You can now rerun your search in Trips Buying. A real time-saver when you want to find more options! Click edit on the trip and the choose the option to rerun search.
Expense report with images allows you to quickly and efficiently reconcile expenses and export expense images within Schedaero!
Based on feedback, you can now view who from your team has created and/or published a payment request. The name of the team member who handled the request will be added to the timestamp in the "Published" column.