Upgrading the booking flow – enhancing the efficiency and security of air charter sales.

18 Mar 2024

Over the past year, we have developed key resources and functionality across our business aviation essentials to provide professionals in the industry with a modern way of servicing their customers. The result is a unified workflow to quote, contract, pay, and get ready for takeoff – all in one place.


Avinode Group sets a new standard with a streamlined air charter booking flow.

With the launch of our fully integrated charter booking solution, we’re enabling air charter Operators and Brokers to streamline their charter sales workflow in a seamless connection between our different product offers Avinode, Paynode, and Schedaero.

“This launch is a milestone for us and our members. Our mission is to provide solutions that empower better collaboration in business aviation, and making our new charter booking workflow available to all our members is a significant leap forward on that journey”, says Oliver King, CEO.

Starting today, charter Operators and Brokers can transform the booking process and service their clients in a truly modern way. Additionally, their internal teams reach a new level of efficiency, saving time and resources and ultimately helping them to be more profitable.

Sam Foulger, Product Manager, comments on the launch “We’ve built this new charter booking workflow with integrated payments in close collaboration with our Operator and Broker members, which is how we know that this workflow brings real value to companies through all stages of the charter booking process. I’m thrilled to see these features go live and see our customers using it for smoother quoting, contracting and paying”.

The four game-changers for charter sales workflows:

The improved charter booking solution empowers a seamless experience from requesting to paying for a trip, while keeping track of quotes, contracts and payments – all in one place.

The flow is enabled by the launch of new fully integrated functionality:

  • An online and mobile booking experience for charter clients.
    The online booking interface empowers the client to select, book, and pay for a trip in one place and at any time.

  • Reduce manual work with digital contracting.
    A completely digital and intuitive workflow for preparing, sharing, and signing a charter contract that is integrated in the booking.

Take a deep-dive into the booking workflow

Download our press kit for image assets, spokesperson quotes, and further details on the charter booking workflow.

Download the booking flow press kit!

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For interviews and media inquiries, please contact:
Sam Winderö
Global Marketing and Communications Director
Email: [email protected]

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About Avinode Group
Avinode Group offers a fully connected suite of essential software to support Business Aviation professionals through the full supply chain of managing, sourcing, booking, and paying for aircraft.
Founded in the heart of Scandinavia in 2002, the Avinode Group has more than 1800 members globally and a team spread across Europe, the US, and Australia to provide their members with the best support possible.

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