We’ve set up a new camp!

01 May 2024

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our story of providing the business aviation industry with technology that empowers collaboration and efficiency. We’re joining forces with CAMP Systems and embark on an exciting journey with our members.

Our passion for making a difference for professionals in business aviation has evolved over two decades. It started as an idea by three engineering students, and today, we are a team of more than 200 passionate people located in Europe, the US, and Australia.

Over these years, hundreds of “Noders” have helped build our ground-breaking SaaS solutions that are now considered everyday essentials for our members, solving problems that operators and brokers encounter daily in the Business Aviation industry. Today, we provide solutions for selling, sourcing, paying, and getting flights ready for take-off – all in one place.

Our vision stays the same – seamlessly connecting professionals in our industry to overcome their most significant obstacles.

However, this is just the beginning for the team behind the solutions. Joining forces with the global leader in aircraft maintenance tracking and regulatory compliance solutions – CAMP Systems – paves the way for us to continue building solutions that are best-in-class.

The acquisition means that Avinode Group continues to operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary of CAMP Systems, retaining its brand identity and commitment to innovation while benefiting from CAMP’s extensive resources and expertise.

We promise to continue passionately building our solutions for a seamlessly connected industry in close collaboration with Avinode Group members.


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