The transformative potential of artificial intelligence in business aviation.

14 Dec 2023

At the end of 2022, we looked forward to a more stabilized air charter market as our industry settled into the post-covid era. But it wouldn’t take long until the next fundamental shift was knocking on our doors. Oliver King reflects on the impact of Artificial Intelligence and how to harness its power.

By Oliver King, CEO, Avinode Group.

Reflecting on the remarkable technological shifts since the early ’90s, I’ve witnessed how innovations like corporate email, Web 2.0, and smartphones have transformed our work and lives. The recent shift to remote working due to the pandemic is another testament to our adaptability, where technology turned a global challenge into a new efficiency norm.

However, not every technological revolution meets its expectations. We’ve seen this with virtual reality, voice assistants, and blockchain. But one undeniable game-changer, regardless of when your career began, is Artificial Intelligence (AI).

As the leader of Avinode Group, a tech-centric player in business aviation, I eagerly share my thoughts this year, sparked by the impending transformation AI promises. AI isn’t just another industry buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift with the potential to redefine our professional landscape.

Embrace the potential of automations

About a year ago, my first tryst with AI was an eye-opener. Playing with tools like ChatGPT and Bard, I realized that AI could revolutionize our work methods. Amidst the usual investor hype and apocalyptic predictions, including claims that AI could eventually cure most diseases and make interstellar travel a reality, there are tangible actions to take.

The relevance of AI in our industry, rich in text-based information, cannot be overstated. Imagine NOTAMs, airport fees, client requests, and flight documentation seamlessly processed by AI. This new wave of technology is set to bridge the gap between traditional and modern practices, much like the leap from landlines to mobile phones in communication.

Get organized for more efficient data handling.

So, what should we do to harness this impending change? First, we need to embrace and understand AI. Allowing teams to experiment with AI in creative ways like art generation, songwriting, or itinerary planning is a great start. This hands-on approach demystifies AI and fosters a culture of innovation.

Preparation is key. AI thrives on organized, accessible data. Reflect on your team’s documentation: Is it comprehensive and well-structured? Ensuring clarity and accessibility of internal data is critical for leveraging AI effectively. In Avinode Group, we’ve been documenting debates and decisions for over a decade. While helpful, it also highlights the need for a better organization to make this knowledge accessible to all, especially new joiners.

Try out new tools and use cases.

Next, integrate AI into your existing tools. Companies like Atlassian, Zoom, Zendesk, Salesforce, and Microsoft have already embedded AI into their offerings. Still, in their nascent stages, these tools can simplify tasks like meeting summaries or customer support. Engaging with these tools allows your team to adapt and learn, enhancing their natural intelligence.

Stay informed about the challenges and opportunities.

Lastly, while embracing AI’s potential, we must address its challenges, such as data privacy and the impact on current job roles. These concerns are valid and require thoughtful experimentation and resolution.

In conclusion, AI is not just a fleeting trend; it’s a fundamental shift here to stay. As leaders and professionals, our approach should be curiosity, preparation, and adaptability. Let’s enter the new year ready to harness AI’s immense possibilities, ensuring we stay at the forefront of this exciting era.

Disclaimer: ChatGPT and Grammarly AIs corrected my tendency to waffle and my terrible sense of punctuation. The content, however, was generated by a human – at least for one more year.


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