Nodes, champagne and trivia at EBACE: Day Two

26 May 2016

Day Two at EBACE was another busy busy busy day. Did we say we were busy?

Day Two at EBACE was another busy busy busy day. Did we say we were busy?

We were delighted to discover that the Avinode booth has become the central (if unofficial) meeting place for visitors to meet and do business together. Walking around the event, we constantly heard, “Meet me in the Avinode booth”, bouncing between other stands. We were touched to see that we really have become the go-to node that helps connect brokers and operators in business aviation, both offline and on. It was a proud moment of realization. Chatting to so many members and new faces also gave us the perfect opportunity to find out how we can build on this and become even better.

Our champagne mingle in the evening was also deemed a huge success. The booth was completely packed and buzzing with pretty much everyone in the industry networking and enjoying the free flow. There was a slight moment of concern when it seemed the bottles were running low, but thankfully the Noders managed to find another few crates to keep the party going in full swing.

We also ran a competition to win a very nice pair of Avinode Bose headphones. The question: What was the longest trip (in nautical miles) booked through Avinode between January and May 2016?

The winner was Meridian’s Anthony Banome (pictured here entering the comp) who took the time to accurately calculate the answer. Hats off to him and we hope he enjoys his new headphones!

More trivia tomorrow in our final event wrap report.

Team Avinode, EBACE Booth 1089, Geneva


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